Patient Group
Patient Participation Group Meetings
We hold a Patient Participation Group (PPG) meeting consisting of 15 members who meet on a quarterly basis. The role of the PPG includes:
- Playing a key role working with the organisation while helping to ensure that patients and carers can influence their local healthcare services
- Being a critical friend to the organisation
- Advising the organisation on patient perspective and providing an insight into the responsiveness and quality of services
- Encouraging patients to take greater responsibility for their own and their family’s health
- Carrying out research into the views of those who use the organisation
- Organising health promotion events and improving health literacy
- Regular communication with the patient population
Membership of PPG Meetings
PPGs should consist of a representative sample of the organisation’s population. To become a member of the PPG, the applicant must:
- Be a registered patient or a carer of a registered patient
- Remain objective, contributing to group discussions appropriately with the patient at the forefront of their mind
- Work in a collaborative manner with all group members
- Declare any potential conflicts of interest
- Listen to the views of group members
- Adhere to the terms of reference for PPG members
- Commit to upholding the following seven key Nolan principles of public life
Ordinarily, membership will be for an initial term of three years. Membership is not restricted to those patients or carers who can attend face-to-face meetings. Members can contribute to discussions via the organisation’s virtual PPG.