Clinics & Services
Travel Immunisations
The practice nurse will let you know if you need any injections. She will advise you when these should be done and discuss the other ways of staying healthy. Please allow at least eight weeks before your departure to ensure adequate cover.
Flu Immunisations
Towards the end of each year we hold regular influenza vaccination clinics. Not everyone is invited for a ‘flu jab’ so please remember to keep your appointment.
It is recommended for the following groups
- All patients aged 65 or over
- Chronic respiratory disease including asthma
- Chronic heart disease
- Chronic renal disease
- Diabetes
- Immuno-suppression
Doctor’s Clinic
In addition to your standard consultations, the following clinics are available for those with chronic medical illnesses.
All patients on regular inhaled steroids should have their Asthma assessment at least once a year even if you feel your asthma is well controlled. It is particularly important for newly diagnosed patients to attend this clinic which is provided by the nurses and we have useful information and leaflets to support patients and parents of Asthmatic children.
Diabetic clinics are run every week. It is important that all patients with Diabetes are seen at least once a year. We are able to give advice on many areas and have useful information and leaflets to support you. We will ensure that your blood pressure, eyes and kidney function are regularly monitored.
COPD (abbreviation for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) clinics are run fortnightly by our practice nurse Zakia Khatoon. It is important for patients to reviewed at least annually by their clinician even if you feel your symptoms are well controlled. We can advise you and provide you or your carer with useful information and leaflets for educational support.
Cervical Smears
All women between the ages of 25 and 65 years should have a regular smear test (every 3 years for routine cases). The nurse can do this at the surgery either in normal surgery times or in the Women’s Health Clinic.
Smoking Cessation Clinic
We are always available to assist you when you have made the decision to stop smoking. Book an appointment with our TNA Zebi Yasser to discuss the various methods available to help you become ‘smoke free’.
Postnatal Checks and Baby Immunisations
Postnatal checks for mothers and babies is held every Tuesday morning at the surgery between 10:00 and 12:30. We ask you book this in when your baby is 8 weeks old in order for the immunisations to be done in one visit. Please be sure to bring along the baby’s red book.
Please Note: Please book in for an appointment with both the doctor for the mother and baby checks and the nurse for baby’s immunisation.